Spelling of Verbs + -ING: 5 RULES
How to properly conjugate verbs +ING.
The spelling of the main verb doesn't normally change. All you need to do is add -ing to it.
For example: study - studying; work - working; start - starting.
However, there are some rules.
Rule Number 1
When the verb ends in -e, we drop the -e before adding -ing.
For example: dance - dancing; hope - hoping; write - writing.
Rule Number 2
When the verb ends in -ee, just add -ing.
For example: agree - agreeing; flee - fleeing; see - seeing.
Rule Number 3
When the verb ends in -ie, change it to -y and add -ing.
For example: die - dying; tie - tying; lie - lying.
Rule Number 4
When the verb (one syllable) ends in a vowel followed by a consonant (with the exception of w, x, and y), double the consonant.
For example: swim - swimming; sit - sitting; run - running.
Tip: CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant)
For example, let's consider the verb "swim". The last three letters of this verb are "wim", w - consonant, i - vowel, m - consonant, so CVC.
When you have this combination, double the last letter.
Rule Number 5
When the verb has this ending but is formed by two or more syllables, check the stress.
If the first syllable is stressed, just add -ing.
For example: answer - answering; offer - offering; listen - listening.
If the second syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add -ing.
For example: admit - admitting; prefer - preferring; begin - beginning.
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