Guia de como conjugar verbos em Inglês com -ING (SPELLING) + Exercícios e Respostas

Por IDION - Idiomas On-line 27/07/2022

Spelling of verbs +–ing


The spelling of the main verb doesn't normally change. All you need to do is add –ing to it.

E.g.: study – studying; work – working; start – starting.


However, there are some rules.

1. When the verb ends in –e, we drop the –e before adding –ing.

E.g.: dance – dancing; hope – hoping; write – writing.


2. When the verbs ends in –ee, just add –ing. 

E.g.: agree – agreeing; flee – fleeing; see – seeing.


3. When the verbs ends in –ie, change it to –y, and add –ing.

E.g.: die – dying; tie – tying; lie – lying.


4. When the verb (one syllable) ends in a vowel followed by a consonant(with the exception of w, x, and y), double the consonant.

E.g.: swim – swimming; sit – sitting; run – running.

Tip: CVC (consonant–vowel–consonant) – swim – the last three letters – wim – CVC. When you have this combination, double the last letter.


5. When the verb has this ending but is formed by two or more syllables, check the stress.

a. If the first syllable is stressed, just add –ing.

E.g.: answer – answering; offer – offering; listen – listening.


b. If the second syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add –ing.

E.g.: admit – admitting; prefer – preferring; begin – beginning.


1.Add +–ing 

Example: play – playing







2.Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:

eat hope ride make watch write run answer visit fix

Example: Lucy is making a statement right now.

a.We _____ our friends tomorrow at 7pm.

b.Robert _____sushi with his friends.

c.The children _____ their bikes outside today.

d.They _____ the CEO's questions now.

d. I  _____ a movie. I can't talk to you right now.

f.She _____ the problem.

g.You _____ for the best.

h.That little girl _____ a book.

i. The boys _____ a marathon this afternoon.


1.Add +–ing 

Example: play – playing

a.(study) studying          

b.(agree) agreeing

c. (swim) swimming

d.(admit) admitting  

e.(dance) dancing   

f.(tie) tying

2.Complete the sentences. Use these verbs:

eat hope ride make watch write run answer visit fix


Example: Lucy is making a statement right now.

a.We are visiting our friends tomorrow at 7pm.

b.Robert is eating sushi with his friends.

c.The children  are riding their bikes outside today.

d.They are answering the CEO's questions now.

d. I am watching a movie. I can't talk to you right now.

f.She is fixing the problem.

g.You are hoping for the best.

h.That little girl  is writing a book.

i. The boys are running a marathon this afternoon.

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